Yep, well said, like most of your other posts.
(I also have CS6 and likewise and I’m as proficient at it as I am at web design…umm…)
SO! do you have any hacks and the like that you have to employ? In order to keep going?
tweaks and whatnot?
that you’d like to share?
Or nope! everything just rolls sweetly at the moment, still
and yeah, 10 year old is my newest machine. Oh well thats a lie.
I have inherited a Dell Laptop, Windows 7 MEGA ULTIMATE, Premium, whatever OS.
Also obsolete now I guess. Not sure how old that is. But It might get Linuxed.
I must check out what is the funkiest , nicest UI Linux at the mo.
I ran SuSe for years, God! tell me about having to create workarounds… wifi, ndisWrapper etc etc.
Jesus, just to get online.
So then went to Ubuntu for a while, but that is terribly slow on another here now.
so then checked up a basic GUI implemementation, Lubuntu. That flies.
so. may dual boot that windows laptop. Not sure if it would run Windows 10 without it feeling like it was in Treacle, and from what I’ve seen of that , the UI is just a horror show…
And yes, being a business owner first , yep, valid, the same as @Terry44 and @Thomas said, even though the latter is sideline kind of guy.
I may need to find a way with all this web stuff to generate some form of revenue (that is the plan after all) where I feel like it is beneficial for all involved, it is appreciated and most importantly
…I dont have to deal with mindless, egotistical idiots.
and the final part, is usually the sticky point…