Add a Markdown viewer/editor


Could you add a Markdown viewer :slight_smile: please :slight_smile:

Very useful when there is a file at the root of the project

Thank you
nice day

Hi @JoseFR,
I was just wondering if you knew that Pinegrow plays really well with Atom and VSC - both of which have markdown and a terminal.

There I was this morning writing up some bits and pieces and prepping some stuff for a tutorial when it became clear that what I could really do with was a built in Markdown viewer. What’s the use of going to the trouble of building a complex custom library if it doesn’t have some sort of useful documentation with it , including the odd code shot.

Markdown is just perfect for that. Yes I know I can write it and look at it in VSCode , PG links nicely with that and that’s probably how I’d create it in the first place, but it still doesn’t get over that little niggle that it would be really nice to read that in the custom library itself.

A definite +1 for this feature request please.