Add pinegrow setting for browser to use for "Preview in browser"

When running “Preview in browser”, pinegrow currently uses the system’s default webbrowser.

For various reasons I would like to set pinegrow to use a specific browser to open instead of the default webbrowser. It would be nice to have an option in the pinegrow settings to select the browser to use.

You could try this approach for a while

Thanks for the answer. Before posting the request I had searched this forum and had already found your suggestion in another thread. While this is a nice workaround I personally would prefer to have a setting to change the browser for the preview.

The other workaround that you can use is to click on the link icon next to “Preview in browser…” under the “Page” menu. You won’t get a notification (at least on Mac), but this will copy the page URL to your clipboard. You can then paste it into the location bar of your preferred browser (as long as it is able to access the PG local server). In this way you could have Chrome as your default preview browser, but Firefox, Safari, and Edge all open - and then just paste to each.

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Thanks didnt realise this myself.

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