Call for suggestions for our next Beginners tutorials


  • Brand new to Pinegrow or unsure of the best way to use Pinegrow for a specific feature?

  • Have favorite frramework you would like to see utilized in a Pinegrow project?

  • Looking for ways to better automate a tough point in your design workflow?

  • You have a specific idea for a tutorial you’d like us to provide?

We are listening! Add your idea / use case - with as many details as possible - to the following post.
Note: We have a separate thread for most of the WordPress tutorials, but we could entertain basic tutorials here.

In the coming weeks/months we’ll be adding more tutorials and your input on what you need is very appreciated.

We’re looking forward to your proposals

The Pinegrow team.

Important : This topic is reserved for tutorial proposals only, not for discussion or comments. Messages that are not concrete proposals will be removed.

I use the twenty-twenty jquery plugin all the time … like really all the time. Currently, I have to manually edit the html, css and js code for every instance in every project. It is not difficult, but somewhat repetitive, time-consuming and often prone to error. It would be great to be able to use this jQuery plugin as a reusable element from within Pinegrow’s drag-and-drop interface, properties editor and css style editor. So, I would like to request a tutorial on how to integrate this plugin into Pinegrow.

Plugin description with github link:
Desired Usage Framework: Bootstrap 4

Below are the details of what I would like to see in the tutorial:

  • Drag-Drop the plugin as many times as needed per page (typically many).
  • Use Properties Editor to select the Before and After images.
  • Style the colors of the draggable slider element by color-picking from one of the images.
  • Position and style title boxes for the Before and After image (e.g., colors, opacity, etc.).

This would save a huge amount of time when using this plugin with Pinegrow, as well as teach the fundamentals of how to integrate such plugins to expand Pinegrow’s powerful capabilities.

Thank you for considering.

Hey @DavidK,
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve never used twenty-twenty, so I’ll check it out.