Can't Get Contact Form Blocks to Work

I have been trying all day to get even one of the contact form blocks to work without anything remotely resembling success. One thing I did notice is that Pinegrow does not generate any of the necessary server side files; even when creating a new project. I activated server side scripts and still nothing. Pinegrow is not generating or saving a copy of “contact-form.php” into the /js folder; or anywhere else for that matter.
Where else can I get this file?

I am using Pinegrow 5.0 (earlier versions had the same result) on a Linux Mint 17.3 64-bit system.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Hi @Todd_P and happy new year!

Well ,nearly and kind of for yourself with this issue.

I’m afraid Pinegrow generates NO such PHP files. That is not its function. Its function is as a front end design tool, however the contact form block does come with the required PHP file:

see here

I just got it to work by following this

I created a new project, BS Blocks, dragged a contact form onto index.html and then SAVED ALL.

I then opened this FOLDER as a project and there is the contact.php file…er…in the javascript.
Odd I know…but.

here you go, a video.

You can download various Contact forms such as Contact form 7 etc if creating for Wordpress.

So make sure you SAVE ALL

I am not using word press.
I find it amazing that something found on so many pages is so horribly documented and damn near impossible to implement by a beginner. Apparently purchasing a license was a complete waste of money.

Your really going out of your way to make people not help you.

post code.
show your project file layout.
say which block you used.
screen capture your pinegrow tree layout.

I bothered to create a video for you.
Try ranting less and giving more concrete explanation.

And I agree, the documentation for this is lacking, which is why I did this for you.

and happy new year.
I did this on New Years eve to help you out.

I don’t even know if you know how to IMPLEMENT a contact form.
ie, pair the variables in the form with the matching ones in the PHP server file
and the fact that PHP file output can only be viewed after processing by a SERVER (on localhost etc.)

Its now Midnight.
your now on your own.

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I am sorry, but your reply did not help in the least and only added to my confusion. The impression was given that if you create a contact block the software generates the necessary contact-form.php file in the /js directory; this is not occurring.

I just videod it happening for you.

follow the instructions and post what is NOT happening.

I showed you the creation of the contact.php file, where to find it and the process I followed to achieve this.

this is not adequate (no help in the least apparently)
SO someone else can help you.
and good luck as I have given you instructions and shown you how to do it.

Your Problem may be BTKBATC

I followed your video and the result was not the same

@Todd_P it’s just after midnight here in Ireland so I’m not up to checking your issue out or confirming @schpengle link but I’ll do it later today.

I can understand your frustration. Pinegrow is not the most “beginner-friendly” software for someone just looking to build a website without having to understand code. In fact, the first time I downloaded it some years ago, I was much less familiar with website development, found the program utterly baffling, and went with something else. Fast-forward about five years (and a hundred or so websites under my belt) and the next time I looked at it, it was much more comprehensible. I now consider it a brilliant piece of software, and indispensable to my workflow.

But it’s not really made for “back end” stuff, like PHP forms. While I’ve dabbled enough in PHP to understand how to cobble together a form and make it work, I basically gave up on using a website builder to handle my form needs. Instead, I just used an online service called It ends up being a much better solution for my needs (dozens of clients with hundreds of form submissions each month) and gives me the benefit of being able to keep track of how their websites are doing in terms of getting leads/inquiries.

The service isn’t too expensive, and if all you need is a single form (and don’t mind their little branding on the form) you can even use their free plan. They have just about every possible thing you could need when it comes to forms, and it’s really pretty easy to use.

Hope this helps you a bit.

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Thank you, I will check it out!


Another possible solution?

Thanks all, I’ll be using an external form creator as suggested.