Comment out Codeeditor

How can I comment out elements in Pinegrow Code Editor. I have already searched and activated everything. In the forum was also the CMD +/ but that does not work. I work on a MAC. Maybe someone here can give me a tip.

You mean HTML-Elememts? Not sure if i got it right, but if so then a comment in HTMl works like this:

<!-- I'm a comment -->

Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. With VS Code I can quickly switch on and off with a key combination. But in Pinegrow this does not work. Here I have to write inconveniently the before and after. Emmet is activated.

Aaaaah now I got you! :wink:

Hmm to be honest I’m always using VSCode instead of the Pinegrow Editor. I think they both rely on the same codebase under the hood, but VSCode is of course a way more advanced tool in terms of integrations and plugins and so!
Is there any reason you are not using VSCode but the PG-Editor? There’s also a Pinegrow Plugin available in the VSCode Marketplace which syncs VSCode with the PG-Canvas!

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Thank you very much. Will try this.

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Definitely recommend the VSCode approach, it works really well with the Pinegrow extension.

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In case anybody else is searching for this like I did, I’ll leave it here, Pinegrow 7.6:

Shortcut for line-comment toggle: CTRL + #
Block-comment toggle: SHIFT + ALT + A

Pinegrow really sucks documentation wise on the most basic stuff…

External editor gives me constant pain and synch issues, so it would be really cool if the editor inside of Pinegrow wouldn’t suck as much as it does. Why have it and then leave it completely crippled?
Come on guys, you can do better than this.