Disable and delete interactions in files affected by a project

By mistake I clicked on activate interactions in the interactions tab of the pinegrow editor. I could see that code was added in my current file. When later searching the forum for how to roll back, I read that a number of things in various other files needed to be removed as well.
What exactly happens when I initially add interactions to a project or page

To make all deletion operations easier, would it be possible for pinegrow to implement a “disable” button in the interactions tab?
thanks you

Hi, there is such an option. Go to Page > Manage libraries & plugins in the top menu. There you can deactivate and unload the interactions.

When you implement them on one site, they should be implemented just on this single site (unless you use master pages).

please look at matjaz’s detailed answer in What exactly happens when I initially add interactions to a project or page