Yep, it shouldn’t be a problem, that’s what the Plugin is for, but wait! hang on!
Pinegrow will only DISPLAY the HTML, CSS code combo (it will tell you that it cant edit Javascript etc)
…and You might have a problem
witth…auto save! and code formatting.
check this advice out
I’m not sure what I am doing wrong. When using Pinegrow with VS Code (Version 1.31.1) After a short period of use I can not add anything to the VS Code workspace without some of the tags getting either “damaged” or the typing getting erased. In Pinegrow I see “index.html was saved in external editor” twice and then Auto refresh.
An example I open a new plain html page in Pinegrow, save it as test.html and then open it in VS Code. In VS I then move to place a tag between the body tags. Most ti…
here for formatting
This depends if you are a code first or visual layout first designer.
For code first you really need to use a separate editor such as Atom, Visual Studio Code, Brackets, Notepad++, phpStorm, webStorm or something else.
In Pinegrow click on the support --> settings menu item at the top of the application.
Uncheck Save backup files… I do this because PG causes a mess in my projects if I let it save backups.
Uncheck Auto-Format HTML code
Scroll down to the “sync” section and either disable or …