I’m using the app Local WP with the new PG wp plugin (and others):
Now I have tried to login in the WP dashboard and got the following warning:
“Warning: require_once(inc/wp_pg_helpers.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in […]/app/public/wp-content/plugins/cool-blocks/cool-blocks.php on line 192”
Only this file an be found in the inc folder:
I have not changed anything manually there. This is my test installation and I also install other plugins there. But what could have caused this situation here?
After renaming the Cool Blocks plugin I came back to the backend of course.
I suspect there is an issue with loading the resources that go into inc folder. 1.0.3 adds some changes to make that more reliable and it will display an error message if that happens.
I know that I used to have the smart menu nav walker PHP file in my inc/ directory, and I got the same error for that. It seems that the in the past the supporting files PG put directly in the PG project folders but now these files seem to get exported to the WP theme/plugin folder behind the scenes.
In short, try deleting that file from your PG files inc folder so the old version does not override the auto-generated versions.