In order to provide better support to our customers using Pinegrow PRO with WordPress theme builder and Pinegrow Theme Converter for WordPress, from April 9, 2020 ,we have started a new support procedure.
Read more about it: https://pinegrow.com/contact-us/#wordpress-support
IMPORTANT: This is a test phase and the details of the procedure may change for the better as individual cases arise.
The latest updated version of this procedure is always available at the following address: https://pinegrow.com/contact-us/#wordpress-support
Wow! That seems awesome support.
You may just come to regret it by the 4000 th wp install in a week 
I get an error “Error: dest already exists”

which is weird because I have never imported the site before.
@465media Thanks A LOT for the feedback. It seems there was a glitch in one of the config file.
Can you please download the fixed version from https://pinegrow.com/contact-us/#wordpress-support and retry?
I will take a look at this later. Interested in know what you have installed for contains all the plugins and tweaks needed to seriously create and test WordPress themes !
I will be sending on of my backups later. I have converted 3 site’s as tests in the last few weeks and have not been able to get archive template to work for custom post types created. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Watched all the videos a few times and read docs.
@465media Here is the list.
This is what I use almost daily 
@Emmanuel Can we simply send you a staging site link? My clients and I have strict confidentiality agreements with known approved hosts and processes, and Flywheel isn’t one of those accepted ones as honestly I don’t care for them or trust them. Also, we can’t have e-com or other projects floating around out there unfinished. However, we use both XAMPP and Vagrant for local dev, so sharing a private staging area with you and then providing you with the source archive would be a better route.
@Emmanuel I have submitted bug issues and questions with links to the local and html zip downloads but havent even heard a acknowledgment. I would really like to us Pinegrow, but growing frustration is mounting.
I’m sorry but the last communication from you (465Media) in our support inbox is from April 12 and was about a renewal. So I guess your message was lost somewhere. Can you please retry to send your message to support@pinegrow.com
Thanks for your understanding.
I have several unanswered emails
Just responded again to the both of them. If there is a better way to send info, please let me know.
I see the messages that you have just sent. Expect our answer shortly.
Support email is the best way to receive answers but sometimes (its very rare), because of attachments or some links, some spam filters can do a bad job and messages are lost and we are sorry for that.
Note: I have removed your attachments as they are not needed here.
So I never got any sort of answers to most of my questions. After my last post I got a few emails, and then provided the info that was requested. Then never heard back. I dont even know what to think. Pinegrow could be a great product, but support is just not there.
Hello Nate,
Sorry for the delay, as all the reported dev. problems are not issues with Pinegrow (except for a missing taxonomy option which is now fixed with the recent release) I paste the answer from the support here so it can benefit to other customers as well.
​ I have not been able to create a template for an archive using the WP Hierarchy schema. None of these have worked archive-{post_type}.php, archive.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php or taxonomy.php
It took me a bit of time and I’m sorry for that, but I can confirm that - on my side - ​It works nicely (here is a link to a full site archive for local app + the corresponding project thatI have created for you which demonstrate the situation: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1mdzsgdrq2hhmb6/AADTyPXp3KByTrSVTYbJyFGca?dl=0) BUT as long as you deal with CUSTOM POST TYPES, you have to (frequently?) save your PERMALINKS structure so all the new templates are taken into account. (From WordPress admin, Go to Settings > Permalinks > Save changes)
Note: login and password for the site archive admin is: pinegrow/pinegrow
IMPORTANT: This is a frequent issue with WordPress development when you deal with structure changes and it is not related to Pinegrow.
​ The “Site Link - Smart” doesnt seem to work
I can confirm It works nicely as well. ​(please, check the site archive which demonstrate the situation)
​ The taxonomy list does not appear on the post edit page
​For custom post types, yes, this was missing. It is now fixed since our recent update. Please read ​https://pinegrow.com/release_notes/pinegrow-web-editor-5-96-may-14-2020/
​Have a very nice day.
​Best regards.