Of course it’s nice for the Tailwind users to have support for a external build process, but I would be nice if Bootstrap could be extended with such a system too! Based on Node JS and Gulp etc. even including being able to download your dependencies from Github.
Hi @AllMediaLab,
True, but the main reason it was added on to the Tailwind CSS framework is that it is a native part of the framework through their JIT compiler. This is different from Bootstrap where you have to run 3rd party packages. Having said that, setting up Bootstrap with an external compiler (PostCSS/gulp) is probably about as difficult as setting up the Tailwind CSS external build. There are still significant steps.
All true, but the missing implementation of a Bootstrap built system makes you stay in other text editors, because of the lack of flexibility. Imagine downloading updating and maintaining 12 dependencies for 1 website times the amount of websites you have to maintain with updates. That’s a unbearable task on the long run, totally unrealistic and inefficient!
Work with a build system I created partly me self and in the last 2 years never had one problem. It can update dependencies, minify, build Bootstrap 5 pages, include (like with PHP) HTML code on HTML pages etc. etc.
Hi David,
All the Tailwind CSS JIT does at the moment is remove unused classes from your production style sheet. It doesn’t update dependencies. It doesn’t minify. It doesn’t do anything with PHP. Anything like that has to be set-up with your own PostCSS plugins. The new external build selection isn’t a magic all-in-one solution.
Hi @anjanesh,
Yeah, thanks. In the external build this would work. I was talking about the internal JIT. For Bootstrap you can also easily set-up PostCSS to minify, purify, etc…