No Spell Checker?

:+1: Similarly from PG’s “Preview in browser”, I sometimes copy and paste text into a ‘New’ email for a quick spell check.

I use the Spell Right extension on Visual Studio Code. Most of the time I use VS alongside PG.
PG integrations with VS works and it allows you to use some great VS extension, so I never felt the need to a spell checker within PG.

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Come on. They forgot to add it. If they did not have a Gui design view and made us use a browser preview after making changes we would NOT use it, would we?

So, all of this talk of using another App to spell check after we make changes is just making excuses.

I am very impressed with Pinegrow and it shows they have some code wizards working on the code. The problem is they have not been tasked with a spell checker. Even this Forums has spell check on the post you are creating.

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i have that extension, but i’ve never seen it spell check anything in an html file like your screen shot above… is there some command or setting i need to use in order to get it to work?

i think the point is, the content has to come from somewhere… and for me at least, i nee to work on the content separately from working on the html/css because it’s distracting too take all that into acct at the same time. Plus, i’m a terrible speller anyway.

All my text goes through Grammarly before posting for a spell & grammar check.
All very well using a spell checker but if the text reads badly it suggests the writer has little authority.

No particular setup. Just the latest version of the plugin. Works ok for me. Does the job.

well i’m clearly doing something wrong… it doesn’t even work on a .txt file.


Yes spell checking is a major issue for writers In that case, being a research paper writer I am using grammarly extension for my writing purpose and it is really a greater support in spelling correction and also for grammar checking.

Note: This post has been edited to remove external links to a commercial sites.

Sad to see no real spell checker. This is the only reason we could not get Pinegrow approved for use in the classroom. Classes are short and there is no time to use external programs for spell checking…

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I’d also love to see such a feature. Isn’t it possible to use the computers spell checker? I like in a way that PG does not autocorrect (which sometimes makes wired things on Mac) but I ran often in situations where I had misspelled word which would not happen with a spell checker.