Not comitted yet to PG. Should I bother with frameworks?

I know nothing about frameworks - of which there are, apparently, many. I am competent working with html and css files locally before transferring them to my service provider - simple.

Now I am looking at Pinegrow as an effective editor. It looks good and I have waded through many of the tutorials. I especially like the concept of building pages through the css grid mechanism.

Q: is it worth me investing time, money and effort in frameworks such as tailwind?

I am not a professional web page designer. I just maintain a few pages and enjoy learning new stuff without over complicating the process.

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Hey, I don’t use frameworks either. You can take a look at, there you can get a starter project with predefined components which work without a framework. They should give you a much easier start with Pinegrow.


Tailwind is today’s hotness, just like bootstrap was popular for a long time. It’s just a way to simplify and standardize. There is nothing wrong with using vanilla html and css. In fact, it’s probably preferable in a lot of cases. The downside is that it’s going to be harder to find pre-built components and designs, which is one of the things that Tailwind is great at facilitating.

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In your case it’s not worth the time to learn TW. It’s really better suited for UI design and rapid prototype development. You can use it in live productions sites, but for really involved or highly custom projects I have found regular SCCS or CSS to be much faster and easier to maintain.

Thanks to all. I committed to Pinegrow last week. The forum input was useful and I am confident that I will do fine without any frameworks. Interestingly, as I was working/learning, I thought I would create a button in my experimentations; real easy if I had Tailwind (as per the tutorial). Then I realised that I have never created buttons, I usually link through text or an image - so that’s fine. I also realised that it appears quite easy to cut,n paste any html code into any spot I want - that should give me the flexibility I need. Let the fun begin!!!