PG and WP 6.2 - capabilities of making a block based theme like 2022 and 2023

So… did the theme.json tool come out? I am new here : )

It did. Here is the video.

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Adam I love your tutorials.

Do you have one that talks about how to make a hybrid theme where part php hard coded with templates in visual studio codeand part built in Pinegrow for fse?

I want to not have to redo templates already built


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Not really, but it isn’t a terrible idea. Basically, a hybrid theme is a very loose definition for pretty much anything that’s a cross between a block theme and a classic theme. There is also now a fourth thing that some genius decided to call a Universal Theme since we weren’t already confused enough.

The short answer to your question is pretty simple though. To start using block templates (this making your theme a block theme), all you need is a folder in your theme called ‘templates’ with a blank HTML file that overrides one of your classic PHP templates. WordPress will see the HTML file and turn on the site editor.

Hey Adam, is the theme.json also a thing that can be added or is it already included with the classic themes?

Theme.json isn’t a required file for either Classic Themes or Block Themes, so it all depends on what the theme developer included or whether you decide to include it in your child theme.

Managing Theme.json — Module 3-4 — Building a WordPress Classic Theme with Pinegrow