Pinegrow errors

Please can someone help me out. I have emailed support but have no answer yet, (its only been a few hours but I am desperate) I am working on a project and need to get it ready before i go on holiday. Not a good time to run into software problems.

Im working on a theme for wp, made from scratch (new html) in pinegrow. It was all going well (only a small amount is even done) until i saved the project. The file saved pop up scrolls down the screen and never stops.

I get a warning about saving style.css which doesn’t go away. Cancelling does not do anything.

The theme exports ok but I can’t get anything done with it as pinegrow is not saving it correctly.
Each reload looses css changes.

Another symptom is if you click on the linked css in pine grow the css page pops up then disappears on its own.

I have restarted my laptop, closed all files and pine grow. Ive tried everything i can think of (Ive removed pinegrow altogether and fresh installed it) but the save problem happens within a few minutes every time. I use OS X 10.11.6 and the latest version of pinegrow pro.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you,

p.s. it is still repeatedly saving all files over and over again now

Does Pinegrow always reload all related files every few seconds? It is for me. Don’t know if that makes any difference?

Hi Jas,

Is the WP theme export dir inside the source project?

In PG -> Support -> Settings -> uncheck Auto-reload files might help.

Please send a screenshot.

Best, Matjaz

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Hi Matjaz,

Thank you for getting back to me, the theme export dir is inside the source project, should I move it?

Ive unchecked auto-reload. Il see if that fixes it. Thank you.

Should I move the project somewhere different and then export to a theme folder inside wp?

Sorry if that doesn’t make any sense.

Have a good day,


What is your project / export dir location now?

The project and export dir should be in separate locations.

They are both in the same place, it was hot I wasn’t thinking :slight_smile:

Il fix it now. Thank you for your help.

Aha, that’s it. We’ll add checks to catch this kind of problems.

Best, Matjaz

Thank you, that would save me doing it again :slight_smile: