Pinegrow's role in your workflow for web app dev

Hi all,

trying to better understand how I can use Pinegrow. This question should be relatively straight forward.

If I am trying to build a web application, or dynamic site like an Airbnb clone…or any of these functional templates. as an end product example.

[NOTE: I know PG is not able to create full applications like Bubble can. That’s not my question]

So, if I wanted to build something like that… I’m imagining, that I can build out the front end html pages to my liking in PG, then take those exports elsewhere and have them coded up to function like the app templates shown above.

This is a bit more functional than just the Pinegrow static content CMS feature. I’m thinking about being able to get started on Web Applications like SAAS, Weather apps, to-do app, etc. Things with dynamic or user provided content that is private to their account.

Now… is this kind of scenario possible/normal? Can you share a glimpse into how you are using PG in your workflow for building more than just broadcast (one-direction) content sites? I’m just trying to wrap my head around what that kind of workflow looks like. Or whether I should just try to do everything in the tool that provides backend functionality (e.g. Bubble)…and compromise on the design requirements.

Another proxy reference to this idea is how webflow users can connect their page to an Airtable or Integromat to give it functionality powers. Maybe this is the concept behind making a Wordpress theme export from a PG design?

(in case you havent figured out already…I’m not a dev… so while I understand the concept of front end-and back-end… I’m a bit foggy into how the pieces come together to make a functional web app. so feel free to use the “tell me like I’m 5” approach in explaining things)

hope that makes sense…to someone.

Hi @Uelsimon,
Not really as straight-forward a question as you would think. A lot is going to depend on what your “back-end” stack is going to be to wire everything together. Are you going to use something like “Framework 7”? You will have to evaluate if your tech stack can easily digest whole HTML pages, or if everything needs to be broken down into components, etc…
Something like Airtable has a REST API, so you can use it with Pinegrow already. It will add code complexity because there aren’t any actions like for WordPress.
Hope this helps a bit,

wait…I can use APIs to present content in Pinegrow? I must have missed that.

I’m thinking of using for my backend…so content would feed via apis from there…and I’d do all the logic etc within.

Hi Rob,

Are there any videos that show how to use REST APIs for content in Pinegrow? Youtube search hasn’t shown any. But being able to bind components to an API is one of the things I’m really looking into doing.


Hi @Uelsimon,
Well, a lot of API stuff will be specific for whatever service you are using. The easiest way to use JavaScript on a straight HTML page to interface with an API is to use the ‘axios.js’ library. Basically, this library allows you to perform the four main tasks of any API - CRUD, Create, Read, Update, Delete. Here is a short tutorial How To Use an API with JavaScript (Beginner's Guide) [JavaScript API Tutorial], but if you look for axios and javascript on YouTube I’m sure you can come up with more. Also, you are going to have to look at the specific API for what exactly they want sent and what their response will be.
At that point you need to use some additional JavaScript to manipulate your HTML. I also like the HTMX.js library from It is pretty powerful.

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ohh…ok. I thought it was a built in function in PG where you can connect your website to APIs.

Any chance that’s being considered on the roadmap?

I don’t think so. The problem is that each API is going to need something different. Pinegrow is great for speeding the design of your front-end pages and making creation of WordPress themes quicker. However, it is just one tool. There maybe good no/low-code tools for doing what you want, but I think you are always going to be limited in getting Apps to work how you want without knowing some code. Just my $0.02

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Well I’m not convinced yet I want to go all-in with code.

But I did just spend the last 3 weeks to learn flexbox and CSS grid to help with layout… and my plan is to use Pinegrow to build out the front end… then take those pages to another tool ( to then help bring it together into a functional saas.

Hopefully that’ll work as simply as I’m imagining.

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Hi @Uelsimon!

Some background: I’m a full stack developer.

I’ve been using Pinegrow to create websites together with Jekyll in the past, and that worked beautifully until I’ve tried the WordPress extension, and I’m not looking back. You can create a WordPress website using the plugins you want and then, when everything works as you want, create a custom theme on top of it with Pinegrow.

You can create directory websites like AirBnb with WordPress, WooCommerce and adding some other third-party plugins here and there.