HI, I have been having trouble getting any of this type of plugin working on pages created with Pinegrow.
Is there any special way to prepare pages for these plugins?
Also how do we create an open design page template that can be reused by the end customer to create new pages?
Thanks in advance for any help
Hi Danchapuk,
I’ve developed a site with Ultimate Member and it works fine. What problems are you having?
For creating ‘template pages’, you could try one of two things. Create a nice design and save it as a template (to be chosen from the right hand menu in wordpress page edit) explained here: http://docs.pinegrow.com/wordpress-themes/custom-page-templates
Or for more complex designs, ACF is brilliant, and you can learn how to use it here: http://docs.pinegrow.com/tutorials/how-to-use-acf-pro-flexible-content-with-pinegrow-wp
With ACF you can create page or post layouts, even a page builder (which is what I did). I’m no expert at code but found it fairly straight-forward to do.
Hope that helps
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the reply, im trying to get it to work after template creation with Bootstrap Blocks.
Did you use that also or just a template from scratch?
I dev’d a site with the pinegrow wordpress theme. Usually I use
Bootstrap to make the front page, then just tweak templates per page for
the rest so WP does most of the work.
You need to use Pinegrow, with the Wordpress plugin (Pinegrow Pro).
Set-up the project as a wordpress theme. Export it. Then plugins work as
with any other WP site.
You can create a site using BS blocks - but still need to turn the whole
into a WP theme.
I can’t really offer help unless I know what isn’t working. Why isn’t
the plugin working. Is your theme working? Can you add any plugins? DO
other plugins work? Are you using a Dev site (e.g. MAMP) or live site?
Do the plugins work with another theme (e.g. WP 2015 or a 'built in’
free theme).
Hi Mike,
Yes, I have basically made a Wordpress blocks theme with customiser.
What I’m trying to achieve is:
Create Wordpress Theme for clients using WP Bootstrap blocks. (I have created a few now already, had to learn but got everything working with separate pages in customiser etc.)
Have some basic reusable template pages that can be left for clients to create additional pages within a few set templates that include header and footer same as other pages. i.e one-column, two-column, sidebar, no sidebar.
I think I’m getting there now
Thank you for the response. Appreciate the help!
No worries. Site looks good
Just a thought. Ultimate Member is for communities (social). If you want to monetise your site (like charge for certain areas/pages/content or sell memberships or products) it’s no good - not designed for it. You might want to consider something else.
There’s a good overview here: http://chrislema.com/best-wordpress-membership-plugin-2015/
Good luck
My next objective ha. Big thanks man!!