Unable to edit Style.css file in code editor

When I create a new file, save it and then open the folder as a project. I can select the files and edit the code of the index.html file. But, the problem I have is that it will not let me edit the generated style.css file. When I select it it will show but without any line numbers on the side and unable to edit.

Seems to be a bug. Downgraded to Pinegrow 5.5 and do not have this problem. Upgraded to Pinegrow 5.6 and its back.

This feels as it there is some bug I have tripped. Has anyone had this issue?37

I wrote about the same issue few days ago. In my case this problem is limited only with Bootstrap 4. I guess it will be solved soon

I thought it might be something that I am doing wrong or a setting somewhere.

Moved to bug-reports.

I’d had similar issues and it seemed the style.css file was locked for some reason. I’ve just downloaded PG5.7 and opened some projects and it seems to be working fine now.

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I’ve Installed Pinegrow 5.7 and I’m happy to report that this issue is now resolved :slight_smile:

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