also, if you use the @ symbol, then write their name… it should auto select their name as you type part of it.
and , if you get to the stage where you want to post bits of code, this is handy:-
and as for the actual topic, advantage of …etc,
there are a pile of text editors!
free and paid.
the topic of many flame wars
Find one you like (obviously, there are the chosen new kids on the block) and play with it.
Literally, that!
The pinegrow Text editor is pretty good, but its just a basic editor. and lacks some features (like a lot that the big editors can do)
But, instead of spending AN AGE…developing the dogs danglies of text editors…which is a monumental task itself, they have opted to plugin to already existing, incredibly powerful FREE editors.
These can do a pile of other stuff like, project wide find and replace, refactoring (changing the name of something , EVERYWHERE, in the file or project if you so wish) multi cursor edits (edit in several place at the same time… spooky (first appeared with SublimeText btw… hint)
and shedloads of other stuff.
and they have OTHER plugins, for life reloading of browsers as you type (which PineGrow does anyway) and all sorts of magic.
So play with a text editor and find some tutorials on it, setting it up, adding the necessary plugs for say, web development etc etc and just tinker.
While doing the PG thing and learning all that jazz.
then connect them and just carry on doing the content and code side in that, see how it goes and if its for you and if you really need it.
You can get A LOT done with the PG text editor, but it all comes down to workflow.
If you end up using a text editor for other things too, (prose, other languages etc) then you will end up using all its shortcuts for speed and adding plugins to add functionality and your speed picks up.
You will then miss these, when you go back to the basic PG editor.
So you use it WITH PG , via the plugin and Tada! you dont miss a beat, you just carry on as normal, without missing stuff that your used to doing.
And loathe as I am to endorse Microsoft for anything, their editor is ok (read, **Pretty fantastic for a free product - if it was a paid product it would be mint too!) and it seems less laggy than Atom… which had some performance issues… and since MS now OWNS Github (spits!) - which produced the Atom Editor, AND… MS has already released VSCode… there is one obvious outcome.
Of course, MS says they will continue the BOTH Editors …and NOT drop Atom…ever…in favour of their own VSCode editor, to keep both camps happy …however that seems highly unlikely considering
So… You might wish to check out a different editor for PG Plugin support (hint, VSCode - while we wait for a SublimeText plugin …ooh! yet another hint maybe? :). )