Any way to use bootstrap 3.3.6?

For some reason all the themes I want to use are using Bootstrap 3.3.6 but Pinegrow uses 3.3.7 instead. I’m hesitant to use Pinegrow because I’m worried that if I use Pinegrow to create my themes and then copy and paste the code into my themes something might not work.

Does Pinegrow have a way to change bootstrap to 3.3.6 ?

I do understand your fear, but the difference between Bootstrap 3.3.6 and 3.3.7 are merely bug fixes:


A general rule is to always stick to the latest version with minor releases.

Major releases like moving to Bootstrap 4 will be something else of course.

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Thanks, I was hoping that would be the case. I’m assuming it would be safe to write bootstrap 3.3.7 code and put it in 3.3.6 version in that case.