Bootstrap Design panel bugs

I created a Bootstrap theme, added some built-in blocks. All works fine. Then I activated the Design panel to change some colors and it destroyed the whole styling. Like Bootstrap css is not loading at all. Now when I want to deactivate the Design panel, I get an error:

I tried to reproduce this. I am also getting the same error. There are also some errors in the console which may help.

XML Error Not well-formed, URL: [...]/wp-content/plugins/pinegrow/pinegrow/frameworks/bootstrap5/bootstrap_theme/bootstrap/mixins/_banner.scss

The console also reports this for the other scss files, like mixins, grids, forms and so on.

A bit further down, this message pops up as well:


@Adryan @Lava, thanks, this should be fixed in Pinegrow plugin 1.0.1.

And it is. Wow, such a quick fix. Pinegrow FTW :slight_smile:


Indeed impressive. Thank you @matjaz!

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