I’m not sure what I am doing wrong. When using Pinegrow with VS Code (Version 1.31.1) After a short period of use I can not add anything to the VS Code workspace without some of the tags getting either “damaged” or the typing getting erased. In Pinegrow I see “index.html was saved in external editor” twice and then Auto refresh.
An example I open a new plain html page in Pinegrow, save it as test.html and then open it in VS Code. In VS I then move to place a
I have also had incidents where Pinegrow and VS Code seem to fight back and forth each replacing the change the other had made. I stop this by either closing the work or moving VS Code to another file.
I’m on a Mac Pro running Mojave 10.14.3 (18D109) I have only the Pinegrow Live Sync 0.0.5 enabled.