CSS File issue - files not viewable in CSS Panel

Having issues with opening a project created in Dremweaver. Project loads and is all there except the CSS files, bootstrap and custom are not visible in the CSS Panel nor is there anything in the properties panel.

The pages behave as expected in other words all styles and bootstrap functionality is as it should be .

You can manually add and attach these files to each page to make them viewable and usable in the css panel. Save the file then close it and then reopen the project and file but the style sheet is not attached

This is happening only on one site - others created in DW are ok.

The questions - 1. Why might this be happening in this one project only? and 2. How can I fix this?

Here is the link to the site http://www.stubbycoolersonline.com.au

Please, send us your HTML project folder to support AT pinegrow.com and we will analyze it.

Thanks Emmanuel - have emailed it just now.

Answer sent through email.

For the records:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prefixfree.min.js"></script> is the cause of the issue.

If you really need the script, my suggestion is that you comment the line during the development and uncomment at the end of the process.

Thank you, Script not needed so have removed the script and issue solved:grinning: