Introducing Pinegrow Interactions

Right now, I’m very interested about the “some issues” statement, so we can improve and/or fix if needed. Can you tell us more?

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hello @Emmanuel after purchasing the add on I got an mail from PG with the code. Ho do I use this code without replacing my pg pro license which is still valid? Where do I insert it this serial code?

It should be the same code. Mine was. You just need to make sure you have 5.9 and then activate it again. It will announce what you have.

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I’m running the Trial on Windows.

The created websites are 100% accessible (sound and all) on a S9+ Android with no issues: 30 Mbps Wi-Fi, and Bromite browser.


all set. Very good job PG!

I am having an issue with interactions, they work in Pinegrow but when I save them they do not.


I advise you to contact our and send us your project folder (through dropbox or google drive) so we can check the situation.

So this is sort of a 3 topic post, really,

Animations and their relevance of this and pricing model to me as an amateur,
licensing version

Well, our @horman does have a point in that the docs, have sort of not really kept up with all the phenomenal changes In PG at all over the past few iterations. I quite often have to resort to the old docs as there is simply NO reference at all to quite a few topics in the newer docs.
I see no point in banging this drum anymore as its been said enough, but I myself often hit total stumbling blocks following tutorials etc, where things had totally changed or dropped - and I quite often forget what or how I did it in the past, and cant look it up in the new docs.

I feel I can mention about the docs, as I have spent quite a lot of time on here over the past however long, pointing people in the right direction, when looking for info - so Have had to spend a lot of my time looking these things up for people and see the same queries and frustrations quite often, hence my noting this one from @horman as a case in point.

The Point of partials was one example. I totally forgot they had been dropped and was puzzling how to use them recently when helping out on here - before being reminded that they no longer existed! I asked if there was any advance on the decision to re introduce them, no answer.

No reference to this in our newer docs. a LOT of good information on the old docs site which never transited.

I simply cant remember all this stuff anymore with newer improved features and UI
and I myself, now struggle to find the relevant docs, in order to pass them on to others.
And…of course, PG now does A LOT of stuff beyond my skillset!
So I have to be able to reference docs in order to share the info or try and get stuff done myself.
I quite often fail.

I also feel like I’m not really qualified to comment on it much at the moment as, Ive not really been using PG a lot as of late. However it is a perennial question, so the docs thing does deserve looking at.
Oops…drum…banging…need to be moving on!

BUT!.. to have documentation for a new feature on a roadmap seems pretty weird to me!
SURELY … it should be created and launched WITH the New feature?
IN order to better facilitate uptake - or at least have a pile of links to the GS versions of using a particular feature, which is then updated to include the PG interface way of doing this stuff.

Or…the docs may just molder like some of the other feature sets, and our fine Animator Pro plugin, which never got any documentation update, and I would again end up with a pile of kit, which, alas is beyond my skillset and …I cant figure out how to use it.
At all!
And have no docs, current to my version ,in order to better get back up to speed.

Aaaand, so there IS a roadmap for a plugin docs, but not the for main PG product and its docs itself.
BUT… I kind of like the PG Dev surprises tbh. Like this animation thing is a total broadside shot!
Where on earth did this idea come from? -but also, what happened to Animator Pro plugin?
Still, a Unique approach :slight_smile:

But all this does make me wonder as I have never used animations at all. But then, my web dev has sort of slipped down the back of the sofa for a while, so am not too current any more, but, in order to simply deliver CONTENT it just seems like yet another layer of complexity which has to be learnt and overcome, just in order to simply …deliver…text. Or some pics…maybe a video or , in this case, some sound too. but, again, yet another layer of abstraction between content and delivery.

As @matjaz says, internetting shouldn’t be so hard.

I say this, at the risk of being shouted down, because it is a reality!
ALL new users coming to PG now have pretty full on interface to start with.
ALL docs SHOULD be current, …but also link to PREVIOUS versions /methodologies of getting that task done. -parallel, each version covered side by side, in column view, with differing ways of getting the task done, with the difffering interfaces side by side so you could see how to do it and see the UI differences and evolutions.
now THAT would have been fabulous!

Can anyone else hear a distant throbbing sound? drums?

i.e. Not much point having a permanent licence, use PG forever if there is no way of looking up documentation for your… permanent product.-with an outdated Interface, or a newer one, where you have to look up old docs, which you cant find, as docs.beta is never promoted, so newer users have no chance to find it apart from googling about and getting lucky!

So old stuff and new stuff, both together , in order to get the job done.

I can DEFINITELY hear some sort of drumming rhythm in the background here…

SO! back on topic.
with this GS subscription licence …thing.
(which I abhor I dont have a single one of these infesting my finances/Mac)…but anyway, thats that point made…ummm,
What IS this version of GreenSock? -the licences version in PG?

If I look up the GS site I see there are 3 versions in Club GreenSock

Simply Green (For individuals who use GreenSock tools casually and want to gain access to some of the bonus plugins. $50 per year)

Shockingly Green (For individuals who want all of the bonus plugins and extras,(…I have no idea what these are) but aren’t in need of a commercial license $99 per year)

Business Green (For businesses who want everything including a special commercial license.
Starting at $150 per year)

So, if it is ANY ONE of these, AND you use animations, then that truly is a remarkable deal.
Well done! :slight_smile:

But I am just wondering which one and whether these additional plugins or extras’ are included
as controls in the PG UI?

ie, MorphSVG

So well done on creating this !

Ive not trialled it yet, as an amateur as I’m loathe to have to add yet another layer of complexity to my already inadequate skillset for features I dont use, and as for adding an ONGOING licence cost for something that to be truly honest, I will probably never capitalise on as an amateur I seen no point.

…and therein lies the conundrum!
Because at the same time, I am obviously intrigued! :smiley:
But, don’t want to spend an ongoing licence fee, on a product which may never get adequate documentation (for me that is) so I will not be able to fully utilise as I may not have the time to tinker around in the settings for ages, in order to move a dot around a screen…then give up, loose track of time, a year goes by and BAM! … there has been a price increase, but I can get it at the great, initial price…just to *save money (which otherwise I would never have spent on ANY GS product) and struggle with it and forget it again for another year, then
Bam…another year!.. roll, rinse repeat

or it STOPS working?
man I HATE That! I’m renting software, to take up space on my machine and offer facilities that just…stop working. This galls me.if it kept running with no possibilities of updates etc that would be ok , but to just vaporise/turn into nagware? er… no.

SO, Im just saying this as a non professional user… to give some feedback as to what the likes of myself may be thinking (if you have anyone else like me around here!) with regards what looks like a super funky thing.
which I may never use.
or might… a bit…gah!
oh the pain :slight_smile:


I am sorry with all the respect I have for your involvement in the Pinegrow community, I find this message horribly long to be read AND answered effectively.

I advise you to maybe divide it into several targeted publications under their respective sections. (feature request, pinegrow interactions add-on, general and so on)

Thanks for your understanding.

ah, I was just checking this as you replied.

yeah valid points, I thought the same as I was writing it, which is why I pointed out it was 3 things.

the documentation thing is off topic here for this post but was brought up by another user here. And, ive written about it enough times in other places, but doesnt get picked up, so see no point in starting a thread on it. Its been said.

so if you could just answer the Greensock licensing version that would be nice.
as that is relevant. to this post.

the rest was a breakdown of the thought process with regards purchasing the plugin, to show you the process as, as others might be thinking. it was feedback, from outside of the in team production loop.
If you dont find this sort of thing relevant any more, then I wont give any any more.
so just the licensing.
thank you.

the Greensock licensing version that would be nice.
as that is relevant. to this post.

This is a Pinegrow licensing version.
Interactions is powered by the Greenshock engine and there is no corresponding plan at Greensock.

Powered by GreenSock

Pinegrow Interactions is powered by GreenSock GSAP, the leading professional animation library on the market. We licensed their technology, so that you can freely use and sell your Pinegrow Interactions projects, without the need for a commercial GreenSock license (as long as you’re not using GSAP directly from your Javascript code).

From the pgia.js file

@schpengle Because of our numerous past and nice discussions here and there, I’m sure you are already aware of my personal thinking which is “Everything posted here is relevant”. I just find it difficult and not productive to provide answers to gigantic messages containing more than one dedicated topic :wink:

Yeah, I read that.

That is why I asked this.

So this is just the same standard Library as the Greensock forum Members. JS library then, with no access (currently) to other Greensock plugins or extras, like the morphSVG plugin I asked about (just as an example) with no PG Interface controls for that sort of thing?

As I was just working out what it was capable of and whether PG interface may have access to this functionality currently or in the future, if the whole GreenSock Animation thing proves worthwhile.

I realise you have a roadmap for this , so this maybe something on that, or it may be already available, but not in the plugin docs which are also on the roadmap, so a sort of chicken and the egg scenario, so that’s why im asking.

And well done on getting your own Licence! :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, I don’t really understand the search for an equivalence with any of the Greensock plans when there is not. It’s like a car from one brand with a super engine from another brand. There is a benefit to get the super engine but the cars are not the same, with not the same options and so on :wink:

So, this is the Pinegrow Interactions add-on library and the current available set of interactions / features within the application is powered by the Greensock engine.

ok forget it,

That is not the question I asked.
Im off to feed my horses, in the sun for once.
bye bye

Hey guys! Great job on the Interactions Add-on. I’m currently trying to sort of export the interactions to a WordPress theme. Is this currently possible?

Well, I’ve bought it anyway to have support @matjaz so his kids can have a funky xmas dinner this year (think of me when Your eating your last mouthful :slight_smile: -your welcome!
And cheers for Pinegrow :slight_smile: )

however I am having issues entering the key and activating the Plugin
(I have not trialled it first, just bought it)

I have emailed support and so will let you know how it goes.
ok bye.
PS, the horses were very happy with their carrot treats,…until it rained.

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When horses eat too many carrots, they produce bullshit.

Odd… but some more characters to thank you for your input.
its being filed right as I speak… Toilet Flushing sounds in Background

There! all done

And cheers, Licence issue sorted.
Despite my reservations on the whole subscription thing, I have just done it this time as a thank you to @matjaz, as I think of my contribution helping to put some funky foods on his families Xmas table and to show my on growing gratitude for my Special Achievers Licence :slight_smile:

I haven’t forgotten.
I may rile you all sometimes, but that’s because I care.

Which Parent stops loving their dysfunctional teenage tearaway child after yet another misdemeanour?

I have a year to re consider the whole subscription thing

Maybe there will be a useful documentation until then. Could be helpful in your decision, right?
Be honest, you don’t have any horses. You eat the carrots yourself.

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Well…you may have a point… I do like Carrots…and…I’m full of BS…
So… CrUnCh!!… oops!
