Meta Box plugin and Pinegrow?

Hi. My english is very limited, sorry.
I am learning to work with WordPress and Pinegrow. I have discovered that PW is ready to work with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) PRO plugin. Has anyone worked with the Meta Box plugin ( and PW?

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Hi Josan,
There isn’t any built-in support for Meta Box and I haven’t used it before. I took a very quick look at the documentation and it looks like with custom PHP code that you could support this plugin using Pinegrow.

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Thanks for your support. Custom PHP… I’m newbie and I don’t know how to code with PHP. I have a lot to learn.


Hi Josan,
Sorry I’m just now seeing this. Pinegrow doesn’t have anything specific to MetaBox like they do for ACF, but I’ve been using it on my projects without issue.

Nine times out of ten, the get_post_meta action does what I need, but there is the option to use the custom functions action to call the the Meta Box rwmb_meta() function.

Here is a short video I made showing the process and options.


Thanks for your support. I had already seen it on your YouTube channel. I like your tutorials.

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