Tailwind 3.x project - No classes

Hi @Emmanuel,

As always, thank you for the detailed info. But I believe you are still not seeing the bigger picture, and remain stuck on functionality over usability. I am well aware of the major differences between v2 and v3, as I have been using v3 since beta. And at no point have I ever suggested loading the entire TW3 CSS library, but I feel that that is how you continue to read it.

Attempting to use ALL 46K+ TW3 utility classes (v2 had 37,080) would be insanity, not to mention completely defeat the purpose of the JIT engine.


Expecting your users to MEMORIZE all 46K+ TW3 utility classes is ALSO insanity, which is why practically every other IDE in existence still shows them to you (IntelliSense / auto-completion) even if you aren’t USING them. Or as you put it, “do not exist”. I know, CrAzY right? How can they possibly do that?? It must be the devil’s magic. :smiling_imp::magic_wand:

So, kidding aside, just because we would like to SEE the classes that are available to us (as I described in detail a few months ago) doesn’t mean we want to USE them all. It simply means that we are not all savant gods with immeasurable memory. (as much as I would love for that to be the case) :upside_down_face:

And to your explanation of why this basic (standard?) functionality doesn’t work for v3, I guess I would be asking myself - SHOULD that be the “normal” for my product? Or should my product be smarter than that? :thinking: But then again, it’s not my product.

Here is a great example of the devil’s magic in action - https://devtoolsfortailwind.com

I really hope this clears things up a bit! And as always, I’m not trying to be HARD on you guys! I’m just trying to get a little love for us NON-WordDepressed users. :sunglasses: