Any advice for transitioning to grid/Flexbox. I still have a significant amount of IE traffic (which converts). Do I need to wait for those people to catch up to the modern world before changing over?
I would change over and tell those people to catch up to the modern world. Chrome and Firefox are free and easy to install. Global usage of IE 10-11 is less than 2%. IE 11 was released over 6 years ago. Time to let the past die.
You can verify what browsers support what features of grid/flex and do a fall back in situations the browser does not understand a certain feature. You will be writing at least two versions of the same site in code though the CS and JS for older browsers and another for up to date ones.
If your current sites convert do not automatically throw them out because of out dated code. Replace code while keeping the existing look and feel of your site(s) and slowly test individual changes or risk impacting conversion.
As a side note, if you hire someone to update your sites make sure that they understand marketing. The absolute worst thing you can do is hire a designer that will make your site look good to their eye but no one buy’s from it because they do not understand how to make a site that sells products, services.
Designers like to make things look good. They do NOT understand WHY things are put together the way they are and how that combination induces someone to hand over money.
I would add, I wouldn’t eschew a responsive site just to keep the small amount of traffic from people who won’t update to a modern browser. You’re probably sacrificing more from lost conversions on mobile and tablet than you’re getting from desktop IE users.
Don’t forget about use cases were there is no choice such as government workers and law enforcement. The computers, laptops handed out to government agency employees are preinstalled with the BASIC version of windows 7 and some cases windows XP still. They are NOT allowed to install 3rd party sofware including browsers like Chrome, Firefox etc…
Yes, government workers do buy stuff while at work or while using their work computer.
It comes down to the stats and the willingness of the site owner to essentially cut that income stream off. How much revenue does there need to be for that to not be an option, whether to cut IE users off?
Yeah, I guess if your business caters specifically to an entity that is forced to use IE, it might make sense to cater to them. Windows 7 hasn’t been sold pre-installed since October 2016, and mainstream support (meaning patches & security updates) is ending in January, so government and other entities will be forced to upgrade or be at serious risk.
Mobile is already the majority of e-commerce traffic, so any business selling online to the general public and NOT delivering a mobile-optimized experience is giving away a lot of business.
Did you see the polifill for Flexbox I posted for you? That solves your problem!
Thank you! I will check in to that.
Usually MS is forced to extend their support for these cases such as law enforcement, government agencies etc… There are still ATM’s running on XP Pro.
Ideally IE is a fall back with mobile and desktop being in the mix. Mobile has overshadowed larger screens but they have and will NOT go away. I find it amusing that the mobile device makers are increasing the sizes of their screens. Recently developing foldable phones and additional screen devices to increase over all screen size.
In 2009 there was a large independent development of projection 3D devices and portable, wearable computers. These developers got hired by large companies like Google and that development ended or was bought. I am interested to see if that tech pops back up in a more refined variant.
Virtual reality with the headsets are in my opinion fads that will not be long term and will transition to more of the projection type of thing seen in 2009. The translucent monitors are interesting now too but are not really ready yet, too dim.
IE is mostly seen on laptops, desktops. I have not seen IE on a phone. Though I am not sure as I don’t have a smart phone, and yet I live and able to get around in the world just fine.
I was really expecting a push for AR (augmented reality) via glasses or implantable contact lenses. Presumably the latter is still hindered by tech obstacles. I also expect(ed) voice interfaces to supplant “tapping” and “swiping” at some point. I would like to think that the days of smart devices you carry, and “screens”, are numbered, but I suppose miniaturization is the main obstacle.
Ideally, the “smart phone” should be totally replaced at some point by a single implanted chip that sends signals directly to the brain. Sounds should simply be “heard” without actual sound… images “seen” without any form of projection. Brain augmentation is the logical future. The challenge is getting our tech small enough and able to run on the couple of dozen watts the body can create.
It’s a wild time to be alive.
The technology and manufacturing capability to do all these things and more already exist.
Biocomputing and neurological implants is a thing being developed and to a limited degree has been implanted in humans with brain damage to communicate with a computer.
The eye glasses are going on sale this month, September by Microsoft I believe.
If you are a programmer that has the skills and knowledge to code for these things you describe, now is the time to go look for the jobs that have you working on these devices today.
I expect to be long retired by the time this stuff becomes mainstream.
the best advice seems to be along the lines of design for the mobile experience without using any of the fancy CSS features (mobile first) so that those using old browsers basically just get the vanilla html experience and then build on that using mobil queries to make the site look better and be more interactive… that way everyone gets something of what you intend, rather than just clicking away because it’s unreadable.
Progressive enhancement as opposed to Graceful degradation
or, as with some of my earlier attempts, falling like bricks
Somehow. But mobile first does not necessarily mean “no styles at all”. But this is an excellent catch. Any browser has the “deactivate styles” mode. Try it - you’ll be surprised (in both ways).
Long terms short:
As long as content remains well structured (Nav on top - content in the middle - footer at bottom), reachable, readable, accessible, all is excellent! You did a great job as a web developer cause you understood: Content is king - well structured the second law.
I remember float and clear being not supported on all browsers - I did it anyway. This is kind of progressive enrichment - my two cents.