Adding Angular JS to an existing project

I would strongly suggest to anyone, to first learn core Vanilla Javascript before diving into any specific frameworks, etc. This will allow faster understanding of any framework when having Vanilla Javascript as your base foundation.

You may even quickly realize that for many things a framework of any kind, is not even required.

Plus as native JS feature options in browsers continue to increase, the emphatic need for frameworks may well diminish over time. ;–) Well it should anyway, or instead more frameworks will emerge while existing ones adapt and evolve to take advantage of increased native browser abilities.

@matjaz, Much like the outdated Materialize plugin in Pinegrow, the Angular plugin really needs updated if its gonna continue to be included with Pinegrow as well. The supported version in the app appears to be v1.2.26 (October 2014) so its likewise very outdated. The coupled Bootstrap version with the plugin is v3.2.0, jQuery is v1.11.1, etc.,

AngularJS v1.2.X is quite outdated, see its status:

Why: do so many included items remain not updated in Pinegrow ? It reflects poorly on the app.

@Thomas, you can always pull a newer version of AngularJS into your project as needed via a CDN:

Of course you will then probably forgo the ability to use the ‘Actions Panel’ inputs in Pinegrow. If you want to dig through the Pinegrow Angular Plugin source, its located here:



As you are probably well aware, many developers strongly prefer React and Vue as better options nowadays. Most developers recognize this for various reasons throughout the industry.

Having both React and Vue in Pinegrow would largely benefit gaining the attention of developers towards Pinegrow. Just like having VS Code should now help assist with adoption by more developers ( “if marketed” ) the same as any other editors (Sublime, etc., you support). These editors and their associated plugins will likewise help developers leverage and use various frameworks.

The inclusion of other editor support (VS Code) was long overdue so thank you for finally starting to address that. I think it could likewise be just as easily expanded to other editors as well, further drawing attention to Pinegrow in the developer community with those options ( “if marketed” ).

But if AngularJS ‘or anything’ is gonna continue to be present in the app as features, then each should at least be kept up-to-date and remain current. Otherwise its truly a negative for developers, while directly reflecting negatively overall on the app itself also.

:evergreen_tree: :hearts: