It will be nice to get a better code editor in PG.
The vscode PG extension is nice, but running two apps for development and with vscode having alot of extensions installed why dont you just include and replace the current editor with vscode monaco.
I see a great future feature with it.
Better intellisense for PG plugin developement, frameworks and more,
ability to write live sync code with the preview and code,
pop out / dockable code editor which will allow users with more than one monitor to play with.
easier creation of plugins in PG for PG
and much more.
Please kindly consider this and am sure PG will really grow.
Monaco would be an improvement for sure and its certainly possible. For instance Wappler is also built with NWJS like Pinegrow and I believe they implemented Monaco Editor within their app. However I don’t think they have or allow for the ability to use VSCode plugins past the core setup of the editor. With even access to the core maybe being limited concerning preferences and customization.
I have made a sample plugin to support that monaco for pinegrow, with emmet, folding, multi programming language and more for Pg. Am just trying to get it into PG panels and also to enable the users to switch between Monaco or code mirror. Well if I can do it they can.
Is it integrated all the way through with to all relative features the same as code mirror?
Regardless, sell the efforts to Pinegrow so all users can benefit.
If you submitted a #feature-request and 10 days later created the feature yourself, then I think @matjaz could probably manage the same accomplishment. :–)
Meaning that all of the input / code related features found elsewhere throughout the app correctly hook into your Monaco implementation. If there are no issues or compromise regarding bi-directional for those other existing features then there is no concern and its an even swap of editors.
But yes the more features in an Monaco editor implementation the better.
But I personally would prefer if such an implementation came from the Pinegrow developers themselves. That would seem more logical and secure for such a vital and core aspect of the app.
True but we developers should still help in any way we can to extend PG and leave the PG developers to work on other features and performance plans. Other application get support from other developer to help extend the app.
Eg Vs code I also created an extension for vs with over 7k downloads Nativescript Extend
No issue there.
But still thanks for your input hope you will try it out when its released.
One of the big missing things in the editor, often asked for is
Find and replace.
Then… but this is probably at an Application level is
Project wide find and replace
I was bored and needed to play around PG and see how to make my work flow easier. Thats why it jumped from feature request to a personal project. And during the course I got to learn alot from PG developers.